Monday, October 8, 2007

YAYS!!! OUR LAST AND FINAL EXAM OF THE YEAR TOMORROW (SCIENCE)!!! YIPEE! haha....maths p2 today was kind of tough....hardly enough time to complete, then had to rush through...but maths p1 was quite easy. we're soooo happy...we can't wait for exams to be over, then we can finally PLAY AND RELAX!!! HEEHEE....anyways, both of us have sooo much plans for the hols, our schedule's super packed. guide camp, first aid course ( guides ) , holidays overseas, LEISURE CAMP! and maybe church Youth camp for me ( not confirmed ). It's gonna be soo exciting, don't know how we're going to cope though, so many things to do in such a limited time. =D

I'm Trading my Sorrows

I'm trading my sorrows
i'm trading my shame
i'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord

i'm trading my sickness
i'm trading my pain
i'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord

We say yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord
yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord
yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord, amen

i am pressed but not crushed
but not abandoned struck down,
but not destroyed
i am blessed beyond the curse,
for His promise will endure
and His joy will be my strength

though the sorrow may last for the night
His joy comes with the morning.

( repeat )

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