Friday, August 3, 2007

Heys...we haven't been posting for quite a while...anyway looks like nobody knows about our blog yet, considering that our blog name is sooooooooo hard to figure out!!! HEEHEEE........XD
Anyways things have been quite mundane for the past few days with nothing much going on.....looks like we badly need a little excitement in our lives!!!!!!! We're also planning to tell just mybe one or two of our good friends about this blog....though well, we know there's nothing much here cause it's quite a new blog. YEA. We're considering uploading some of our pics to make this blog a little more interesting..WOOHOO!!! Oh yar.....OH MAN!!! We find Chinese lessons soooooooooooooooooooo boring now cause the CHINESE TEACHER CHANGED OUR SEATS!!!!! JUST BECAUSE OF SOME IRRITATING BOYS IN OUR CHINESE CLASS!!!! THEY TALK TOO MUCH!!!! WE'RE NOW SOOOOO BORED WITHOUT EACH OTHER.......AS IF WE'LL WANT TO TALK TO THOSE DISGUSTING know......:( We hardly get to sit together now in class besides geog and lit class as we change our places secretly.....the teacher doesn't know yet....heeeheee.shhhhhh.....but besides that........WE'RE SEPARATED!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hey. adeline here. pls dun call me ma'am anymore unless i go back to guides kkay. so shock to see "adeline ma'am" on my bdae present. anyway.. nice blog.. told hannah that i can help u 2 make it nicer after my Os.. blogskin, music and tagboard... maybe at one of our hse if u want. haha. that would be fun... and i can help u 2 with yr hw as well:D

gabandhan said...

hello Adeline! haha...okay we won't call you madm! Hey...THANKS for your offer of helping us with our blog and our hw!!! XD We really CAN'T would really be soooooooooooooo FUN if we could go to each other's houses!!! We really appreciate it!!! :D God Bless You!!! Love: Gabrielle and Hannah

gabandhan said...

hello Adeline! haha...okay we won't call you madm! Hey...THANKS for your offer of helping us with our blog and our hw!!! XD We really CAN'T would really be soooooooooooooo FUN if we could go to each other's houses!!! We really appreciate it!!! :D God Bless You!!! Love: Gabrielle and Hannah