Sunday, August 12, 2007

Back from church......HAHA. Still remembered we played catching in our church last time and COLOUR TWISTER!!!!!! HEEEHEEE........that was fun! Not much write today xcept that we have school tomorrow.....boooooohoooooo ( we really don't feel like going back to school after these few days- we still wanna PLAY!!!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

hey hey. it's me again(: looks like i've to comment to make the blog less dead. haha. anyways. my prelims is starting next week.. do appreciate yr prayers... schedule is at my blog. lalala...i hate studying... oh.. and wad is with the 260 hits thingy? and can the person who posted a certain post sign off? i wanna noe who wrote wad... u 2 always signing off as gabandhan... den dunno it's from who.. even though u 2 may think similarly.. haha...

gabandhan said...

To anonymous
Hi Hi. Lol =D Thanks for commenting on our blog!!!!! do you make the tagboard thingy???? =X Can you help us after your O's pleeeeaaaasee???Anyway, we've totally totally totally NO IDEA what is the 260 hits thingy...( except one of us copied it from your blog and put it in ours) other than that, we don't know what is that at all! :)okays okays...we'll sign off with our names Gabrielle and Hannah!!! Actually...most of the posts have gone through most of them are discussed by us...heeehheee...=P the 1st post is by Gabrielle, the 2nd post is by Hannah, 3rd post is by Gabrielle, 4th post by Gabrielle, 5th post by Hannah, 6th post by Gabrielle, 7th post by Gabrielle, 8th post Gabrielle, 9 and 10th post Hannah, 11th post Gabrielle!!!!!!!! you know who typed what...haha.'re in for a BIG SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
TALK TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE.....SO WE'LL TRY TO TALK TO YOU FROM NOW ON!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA...THE MOMENT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!! =D at least there's still some time b4 you graduate!!!!!! heeheee.....anyways 加油黄苡玲!!! For your prelims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SMILES!!!!!! =D

Anonymous said...

oh man! finally! ahahahs... yays. okays. u 2 cute lil sweetie pies. and yes. i've alr promised to help u 2 do up yr blog after my Os. and the hits thingy i think u 2 did it wrongly alr. will teach you how after Os. XD.
anyways.. i was talking the madalene and huijun ytd regarding the unofficial "sec 2 leisure camp" at my place... unofficial cos it's not a "guides thing" but rather a "friends thing". yeaps. so maybe u all can really stay over at my place. we will decide after my Os. will go back to guides to ask the sec 2s wad they think and when they are free. hahahas.
and i saw u 2 walking towards the school gate ytd at about 3plus... too bad u 2 walked too fast if not i might be able to finally hear u talk. haha

gabandhan said...

hello anonymous!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA...WE CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR LEISURE CAMP AT YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!!THAT'S SOOOOOOOOOOO SUPER DUPER COOL!!!!!!!!!!! :D Heeeheeeeheeeeee...anyways THANKS for offering to do up our blog after your O'S !!! YEAH!!!! We really really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!! (: God bless for your prelims!!!!!!!!!! HOHOHO
SMILES gabandhan XD

gabandhan said...

HEY ANONYMOUS!!!! WE're risking our lives typing this in school during lit!!!!! haha....all the best for your ss today!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. funny dunny. okay. i'm crapping again. looking forward to going to ur hses during the hols. YAYS! ahahs. and u 2 btr talk to me i warn u. muahahaha.XD