Wednesday, November 14, 2007's the updated guides holiday schedule =)

16 nov ( Fri ) : 11.30am-4pm ( school )

19-21 nov ( Mon-Wed ) : ( Guide camp in school )

22 nov ( Thurs ) : 8am-12.30pm ( school-open house setup, selected students )

24 nov ( Sat ) : 8am-12.30 ( school-openhouse, selected students )

4 dec ( Tue ) : 8am-12.30pm ( school )

7 dec ( Fri ) : 8am-12.20pm ( Sentosa )

17-19 dec ( Mon-Wed ) : 9am-6pm ( First Aid Course- sec 2 students only )

Friday, November 9, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABRIELLE!!! =D yea...i've turned 14.....lols. it's 2.35 am on my clock.....haha and i plan to go out with my family members today and then maybe go out with the Youths tmr to celebrate my birthday, though it's no big deal....hmmm, my plans for the future: go to a JC ( AJC, if i make it ) and then graduate and go to NUS ( though it's standard kind of dropped compared to last time ).....oh and NUS is where my parents met each other for the first time...

okies what we did yesterday, 9th Nov 2007: Girl Guides at Qian Hu Fish Farm! =) it was fun and the lokang fishing was very cool....but too bad we couldn't keep the fish we caught. we went home with a small, plastic tank, fishes and a duck ornament thingy to put in the tank...haha. i even bought food to feed the fishes, though i'm not exactly interested in fish as they seriously r very boring n they stink! ohhh...and anyways i don't think the fishes will be able to survive long without a proper pump thingy and all.....lols......they kept going to the surface of the water then hung about there for very long, and i kept changing their stinky water a lot of times, using a spray to fill the tank so there'll be oxygen, and i think it kind of worked.

enough about fishes....ohh and our church anniversary was on sunday, 4th Nov....we had lots of food etc and our CG even performed some chinese song and then they did a rap. XD haha. they had to wear caps and then rap and do parents especially stood out a lot, their moves were super complicated, compared to the others and my mom even bothered to put on sunglasses. i alomost died of laughter! it was sooo went sth like " Go Cells Go!!! " i think....and did i mention that our family is like always being singled out and saboed by the church? hmmm..okay no. i think it's because we're all super enthu....>.< during the recent church camp, our family won the BINGO game and the gamesmaster, Uncle Adam, 'rewarded' us by having to perform a dance in front of everybody! my dad was like woah~soo enthusiastic! it was sooo funny though. i was laughing soo hard until i could barely follow my dad's actions! everyone was guffawing like mad.okays, i admit it was seriously funny....oh and i rmb another time when my poor parents got singled out again to do the Banana Dance! hahaha....that was really hilarious man! Deborah, Charmaine and I were demonstrating to my parents how to do the Banana Dance so they could perform in front of everybody....lols! we actually did the Banana Dance during Guides....we had to perform a skit about a banana princess, who loved eating bananas, who lived in banana land? Han and I were the guards of the banana princess and our job was just to fan her....=) hahaa, then at the end our group did the Banana Dance together!! XD's super late! time to sleep!!! =D zzzzzzzzz....

Saturday, November 3, 2007

You are 30% Left Brained and 70% Right Brain ( Gabrielle )
You are 55% Left Brained and 45% Right Brain ( Hannah )

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

hahas....both of us took this test ( whether we're right brained or left brained )'s kinda of true i guess.....=)

Friday, November 2, 2007

SIGHS* i'm sooo tired...we were running ard Clark Quay area and walking for miles? but it was quite fun, except i totally had no idea how to read a map and totally no sense of direction...XD our group ( stamford raffles ) came in 3rd..=) Han's came in 4th ( lim bo seng ). yea.

oh...and i managed to get into my bedroom! =D i was locked out ( i couldn't find the keys ) n i picked my room lock....SO COOL!! lalalala....i was using pins, other keys etc and after like an hour i used a scissors, pushed it in and TA-DA, my room door opened like magic! i was sooo happy to be able to get into my room....cos all my stuff were in my room, and i seriously needed to use them.

and Deborah and i had a sleepover at my house yesterday...XD yays...we slept at 4 am plus and had a movie and game marathon, super fun! Movies we watched: The Incredibles, John Tucker must Die (comedy), Shrek 2 and Mr Bean Holiday (today). Games we played: PayDay, Cluedo, Stress, Pizza game etc...sooo fun! and we survived on 7-11 food for lunch and dinner, haha