Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hannah and I under my bed-doing geog XD

This is me....Gabrielle!!! XD Lol, we haven't posted for such a loooong time, hence I decided to post today...ha. To begin with, the 3 of us ( Adeline, Hannah and myself ) have decided to go to each other's houses to study or do revision, went to my house after teacher's day celebration at school, then Hannah's house the following week-Wednesday. HAHA.....Adeline? well....haven't exactly decided yet. Anyway...we didn't talk to Adeline!!! >.<>

What we did at my house:

-walked one big round from school


-went to my grandma's house to borrow the key

-went back to my house

-signed the agreement

-hid under the bed and studied geog a little

-listened to Adeline's ipod/ mp3 (not sure)

-went to macs and ordered the same burger, fries and drink as Adeline :p

-mimicked everything Adeline did

-went back....Adeline did more work

-Hannah and I played

-distracted Adeline

-Timmy returned home from school

-went home ard 6.35

......I think- can't exactly rmb....heehehee

What we did at Hannah's house:

-I met Hannah at her house at 11am

-meeting time for us was at 11.15am, outside pizza hut

-went to lot 1 and found Adeline already walking out of the shopping mall

-went to Hannah's house together

-listened to Hazel play the piano


-Adeline studied, while Hannah and I went in and out of the room with Hazel

etc.....can't be bothered to elaborate anymore......except we ate at Lot 1- CHICKEN RICE ,

okays.....back to school next week
  • prelims for Adeline
  • week packed with tests for us

haha.....just wish the hols would just be a wee bit longer...... XD

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