Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Welcome to our blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is our new blog!!!!!!! wooooohooooooooooo!!! We can't believe that we just started a blog.........OH MAN! It's really totally retarted.......well, at least we have a place to type our
thoughts from now on.

Things we have in common............

Hobbies: Ice-skating, roller-blading, taking care of pets and animals, playing captain's ball, water games, spying. (heeeheeee)

Close friends: Each other, Adeline, some church friends

Pets we have: Budgies and parrots (for now)

Favourite food: Hor fun (in school), marshmallows!

Favourite drinks: Milo, bundung, chrysanthemun, milk


Favourite colours: Pink, yellow and purple

Things we enjoy: Going on holidays, going to church, celebrating Easter, Good Friday and Christmas, having a good laugh once in a while (laughter is the best medicine)

Memory verses we find meaningful: Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 7 verse 7-8, Romans 8:28

Favourite animals: Dogs, birds and dolphins

Favourite insects: Butterflies and ladybirds

Sigh* Enough of all these.....time for jokes!!!!!! YEA! YIPEEEE!

1) A boy and his mom were praying in a church. The mom said," Why didn't you close your eyes just now during prayer?" The innocent boy replied, " How did you know mommy? How did you see with your eyes close?"

2) How do you know when a fridge is angry???
Ans: when it loses it's cool

3) What's is as big as a dinosaur but does not weigh a single thing???
Ans: IT'S SHADOW!!!!!!!

4) What are the largest ants in the world???
Ans: eleph-ANT!!!!!!!

5) How did the Thomas Edison feel when he invented the light bulb???
Ans: de-LIGHT-ed!!!!!!!

6) Stanley: Once I couldn't walk for a month
John: Once I couldn't walk for a year!!!
Stanley: Why?
John: When I was a baby!!!

7) What goes up and never come down???
Ans: Age

Amazing facts:

1) An ostrich eye is bigger than its brain

2) A skin of a polar bear is black

3) A cow has 4 stomach

4) Why doesn't honey spoil?
Ans: Honey has a high acid content and things like bacteria cannot survive in it.

Wow this is such a looooong post!!! haha.......we try to find more time to post new stuff but we're rather busy these few days.........BYE-EEE!!!!!!!!! (pls whoever reads this don't tell anyone about this blog-we don't want so many people to know about our private info.....thanks :D )

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