Tuesday, July 31, 2007

HEEEHEEEEE.................TODAY WE WENT TO KAMPONG GLAM AND TO KOMALA'S RESTAURANT!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO FUN! ( except we stayed at Kampong Glam for less than 10 minutes! can you believe that???????????) lol.....a restaurant named after Komala madm!!! Well........looks like there's nothing to say about Kampong Glam except that there's nothing much there....besides shophouses, shophouses, shophouses.....XD Lets skip and go to Komala's restaurant...hmmmmm the food was so-so........we had yogurt drink, nuts and crackers and the famous torcia....erm i don't how to spell!!!! After that we went to the BEACH EAST COAST PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOL MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except we got kind of wet as we had some kind of fight in the water.....SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAA..........okays the journey home was even funnier with the crazy guys in our class saying all kinds of weird stuff and singing sons like B-I-N-G-O........except they changed the lyrics to some of our classmates name......SUPER FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! sigh* WE'RE DEAD BEAT......

Monday, July 30, 2007

YEA!!!!!!!!!! We can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!! We will be going to Kampong Glam!!!!!(Field trip) haha It's been a long time since we went there..... We will have a whale of time!!!!! Yea!! We are soooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, there will he a 'high-tea' after the trip!!!!!! =)Yippeeeeeee!! Sounds good....... We will definitely be partners!! HURRAY!! The trip will last from 2pm to 6pm. But kind of long... FUN!!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Welcome to our blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is our new blog!!!!!!! wooooohooooooooooo!!! We can't believe that we just started a blog.........OH MAN! It's really totally retarted.......well, at least we have a place to type our
thoughts from now on.

Things we have in common............

Hobbies: Ice-skating, roller-blading, taking care of pets and animals, playing captain's ball, water games, spying. (heeeheeee)

Close friends: Each other, Adeline, some church friends

Pets we have: Budgies and parrots (for now)

Favourite food: Hor fun (in school), marshmallows!

Favourite drinks: Milo, bundung, chrysanthemun, milk


Favourite colours: Pink, yellow and purple

Things we enjoy: Going on holidays, going to church, celebrating Easter, Good Friday and Christmas, having a good laugh once in a while (laughter is the best medicine)

Memory verses we find meaningful: Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 7 verse 7-8, Romans 8:28

Favourite animals: Dogs, birds and dolphins

Favourite insects: Butterflies and ladybirds

Sigh* Enough of all these.....time for jokes!!!!!! YEA! YIPEEEE!

1) A boy and his mom were praying in a church. The mom said," Why didn't you close your eyes just now during prayer?" The innocent boy replied, " How did you know mommy? How did you see with your eyes close?"

2) How do you know when a fridge is angry???
Ans: when it loses it's cool

3) What's is as big as a dinosaur but does not weigh a single thing???
Ans: IT'S SHADOW!!!!!!!

4) What are the largest ants in the world???
Ans: eleph-ANT!!!!!!!

5) How did the Thomas Edison feel when he invented the light bulb???
Ans: de-LIGHT-ed!!!!!!!

6) Stanley: Once I couldn't walk for a month
John: Once I couldn't walk for a year!!!
Stanley: Why?
John: When I was a baby!!!

7) What goes up and never come down???
Ans: Age

Amazing facts:

1) An ostrich eye is bigger than its brain

2) A skin of a polar bear is black

3) A cow has 4 stomach

4) Why doesn't honey spoil?
Ans: Honey has a high acid content and things like bacteria cannot survive in it.

Wow this is such a looooong post!!! haha.......we try to find more time to post new stuff but we're rather busy these few days.........BYE-EEE!!!!!!!!! (pls whoever reads this don't tell anyone about this blog-we don't want so many people to know about our private info.....thanks :D )